Important Risk Information
Investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risk, charges, and expenses of the Fund. This and other important information about the Fund is contained in the prospectus, which can be obtained by calling (866) 738-1128 or at Comparison funds’ prospectuses may be obtained by visiting the funds’ website. The prospectus should be read carefully before investing. The Standpoint Multi-Asset Fund is distributed by Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC. Ultimus Fund Distributors, LLC is not affiliated with the other funds listed above.
Investing involves risk, including loss of principal.
Comparison funds are not advised by, or affiliated with, Standpoint. The funds are being shown for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered a recommendation.
The comparison funds referenced were chosen based on a series of parameters which include the 20 largest open ended alternative mutual funds, as categorized by Morningstar, by total AUM with an inception date prior to 12/31/2019. The funds used in this comparison are well-known funds and therefore may be more widely used amongst advisors. In addition, the global category of Trading Tools has been excluded to eliminate inverse and leveraged mutual funds, which do not apply in this comparison. Alternative mutual funds, as defined by Morningstar, are funds that follow alternative strategies, such as options trading, multistrategy, macro-trading, and systematic trend.
The S&P 500 Total Return Index measures the performance of 500 widely held stocks in US equity market. Standard and Poor's chooses member companies for the index based on market size, liquidity, and industry group representation, it is market capitalization-weighted. The Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond Total Return Index is a broad base, market capitalization-weighted bond market index representing intermediate term investment grade bonds traded in the US. Comparisons to indexes have limitations because the results do not represent actual trading. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. Unmanaged index returns do not reflect any fees or expenses associated with the active management of an actual portfolio. Index performance is shown for illustrative purposes only and will change over time.
Standpoint Multi-Asset Institutional: Gross expense ratio: 1.41%, net expense ratio: 1.26%, expense limitation contractual through 2/28/2025. Campbell Systematic Macro I: Gross expense ratio: 1.87%, net expense ratio: 1.75%, expense limitation contractual through 12/31/2024. Calamos Market Neutral Income I: Gross expense ratio: 0.98%, net expense ratio: 0.98%, no expense limitation agreement. BlackRock Event Driven Equity Instl: Gross expense ratio: 1.34%, net expense ratio: 1.27%, expense limitation contractual through 6/30/2025. AQR Managed Futures Strategy I: Gross expense ratio: 2.31%, net expense ratio: 2.31%, expense limitation contractual through 4/30/2025. Blackstone Alternative Multi-Strategy I: Gross expense ratio: 2.79%, net expense ratio: 2.79%, no expense limitation agreement. BlackRock Systematic Multi-Strat Instl: Gross expense ratio: 0.93%, net expense ratio: 0.93%, expense limitation contractual through 6/30/2025. Merger Institutional: Gross expense ratio: 1.37%, net expense ratio: 1.27%, expense limitation contractual through 4/30/2025. Goldman Sachs Absolute Ret Trckr Instl: Gross expense ratio: 0.87%, net expense ratio: 0.77%, expense limitation contractual through 4/29/2025. JHancock Diversified Macro I: Gross expense ratio: 1.40%, net expense ratio: 1.39%, expense limitation contractual through 7/31/2025. Catalyst/Millburn Hedge Strategy I: Gross expense ratio: 2.02%, net expense ratio: 2.02%, no expense limitation agreement. American Beacon AHL Mgd Futs Strat Y: Gross expense ratio: 1.56%, net expense ratio: 1.56%, no expense limitation agreement. FS Multi-Strategy Alternatives I: Gross expense ratio: 1.76%, net expense ratio: 1.74%, expense limitation contractual through 4/30/2025. Virtus AlphaSimplex Mgd Futs Strat I: Gross expense ratio: 1.56%, net expense ratio: 1.45%, expense limitation contractual through 5/19/2025. AQR Diversified Arbitrage I: Gross expense ratio: 1.53%, net expense ratio: 1.53%, expense limitation contractual through 4/30/2025. BlackRock Tactical Opportunities Instl: Gross expense ratio: 0.85%, net expense ratio: 0.85%, expense limitation contractual through 6/30/2025. LoCorr Macro Strategies I: Gross expense ratio: 1.93%, net expense ratio: 1.93%, no expense limitation agreement. BlackRock Global Equity Mkt Netrl Instl: Gross expense ratio: 1.55%, net expense ratio: 1.35%, expense limitation contractual through 6/30/2026. PIMCO TRENDS Managed Futures Strat Instl: Gross expense ratio: 2.77%, net expense ratio: 2.51%, expense limitation contractual through 7/31/2025. Abbey Capital Futures Strategy I: Gross expense ratio: 1.86%, net expense ratio: 1.79%, expense limitation contractual through 12/31/2024. Victory Market Neutral Income I: Gross expense ratio: 0.58%, net expense ratio: 0.41%, expense limitation contractual through 10/31/2025.
Beta is a measure of an investment's sensitivity to market movements. Max Decline is the peak-to-trough decline during a specific period. Sharpe is the ratio which measures risk-adjusted performance.